Demo Notes

This page provides instruction on how to use the demo and credentials to use

Demo URL And Demo Credentials:

Demo Login Page
PASSWORD: secret
ROLES: Sales Role, Sales Manager Role, Operation Role, Accounting Role, Finance Role and Admin Role

Module/Feature in the system are controlled through roles, the user has all the roles.

Application Features/Modules Process Guides:

Enterprise Cargo is more than just software; it's a strategic ally for businesses seeking to optimize their logistics processes. From real-time tracking to intelligent route optimization, this software encompasses a suite of features that empower companies to navigate the complexities of modern supply chains with precision and efficiency.

  1. Updating the Company details (Admin role): This function for admin is where you update information of yur company, depending on company your data is the invoice print where your company details such bank will be used. Another data in workflow need is the who approves the sales instruction (Sales manager Role)

  2. Adding/Editing Organization (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where they can add and update organizations' details, such as organization type and bank details.Organization pertains to your clients and partners, Such as consignee, shipper, warehouse, agent or trucking.

  3. Adding/Editing Exchange rates (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role is where you can add and edit exchange rates for the currency used in the shipment's charges. The default currency used is whatever is your company's local currency. After you change the exchange rate, the system will automatically compute charges based on your default exchange rate.

  4. Creating Shipment Instruction (Sales role): This function for the sale role is where you can create a shipment information template that needs to be approved by the shipment instruction approver.(Sales Manager role).

  5. Approving Shipment Instruction (Sales Manager role): This function is where the sales manager role has to approve the shipment instruction that can be converted to shipment for operation process.

  6. Creating a shipment/consol from Approve shipping instruction(Operation role): This function for the operation role where they can create a shipment/consol from the approved shipment instruction.

  7. Updating shipment/consol data(Operation role): This function is where the operation role can update the shipment/consol data. Operation can start the shipment, change the status of the shipment to arrived and depart, which can be seen on the milestone.

  8. Adding/Editing Shipment Charges/s (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role is where they can add shipment charges and edit shipment charges already inputted from the approved shipment instruction.This is for any adjustment need to be done in billing

  9. Edit Receivable VAT (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role is where they can select which shipment charges are vatable.

  10. Creating a Billing Statement (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where they can create a billing statement for the desired billed to organization, also known as invoicing.

  11. Editing Charge Credit Memo (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where they can adjust the invoice created by adding amount to credit to charges

  12. Editing Charge Debit Memo (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where they can adjust the invoice created by adding amount to debit to charges.

  13. Creating/Printing Credit Memo (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where they can create and print credit memo based on what amount they add in charges.

  14. Creating/Printing Debit Memo (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where they can create and print debit memo based on what amount they add in charges.

  15. Adding Remarks for the Shipment (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where they can create and print credit memo based on what amount they add in charges.

  16. Creating Payment Posting (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where the payment of the bill to the organization is being posted. Payment can be in check or cash, and it can also be paid partially or in full.

  17. Updating Payment Status (Accounting role): This function for the accounting role where you update the details of the payment. This involves the modification of the payment status from not fully paid to fully paid and the amount of the payment.

  18. Adding/Editing Buying Exchange rate (Finance role): This function for the finance role where you update the buying exchange of currencies for better profit for your company.

  19. Adding/Editing Buying Amount and VAT (Finance role): This function for the finance role where you add/edit the buying amount of the charges and update whether the charges include VAT or not.

  20. Adding/Editing Voucher Recipients (Finance role): This function for the finance role where they can add/edit the voucher recipient of each charges.

  21. Closing the consol (Finance role): This function is for finance role where in he can close the consol. Once consol is closed, the profit and loss for the shipment/s for that consol is available.